Our Skyline University Mission and ideologies principles are that, each student acknowledges that the work represented in all assignments and all examinations is his/her, or their own or is properly cited, and that he/she, or them has neither given nor received unauthorized information.

Skyline University expects its students and faculty to conduct themselves and maintain relationships in a manner that is characterized by honesty, integrity, authenticity, and dignity as well as mutual respect for the contributions of all the members of the university.

All Skyline University students and faculty will abide by the university's Academic integrity Policy regardless of the program or course where the student is enrolled. All Colleges at the University will use and enforce this policy.

Academic integrity is built upon the values and virtues of honesty, loyalty, and trustworthiness. A failure to observe these basic values undermines the very foundations and bonds of a learning community and impairs the most basic goals of education.

Students of Skyline University are committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and assume full responsibility for maintaining those standards. All members of the Skyline University community are expected to exhibit the qualities of honesty, loyalty, and trustworthiness in all academic and clinical activities, holding themselves and each other accountable for the integrity of the learning community.